
Brand Strategy

Who are you? Well, not you you, I’m talking about your business. Brand strategy nails down who you are and why it matters to your audience. This will be your guiding light for all your future decisions because branding touches everything. Hand this bad boy off to anyone you hire or work with, from employees to vendors, to ensure your brand stays strong and consistent.

Persona Development

Let’s get to know your audience. And then let’s connect with them on a deep, emotional level. Nothing creepy, just some very intentional and targeted messaging.

Product Positioning

Struggling to clearly convey the value or purpose of a new product? We can fix that with some good ol’ positioning.

Brand Copywriting

Have a brand but don’t have the time to write for it? I’ll take that off your plate. Articles, ad copy, social media, newsletters, a totally-platonic-but-still-awesome love note to your soon-to-be client… whatever it is, I got you. 

Brand Consulting by the Hour

Maybe you already have a defined brand. If that’s the case, virtual high five! Now, having a brand doesn’t always mean you know what to do with it, right? That’s totally normal, by the way. I’m here for whatever branding matters you’re facing - whether you’re unsure about launching a new product line or trying to figure out what to do on social media. I’ve guided small businesses and nonprofits in navigating the whole world of branding, and helped them turn would-be legal battles into beautiful partnerships and sad social media into a much-loved (and highly “liked”) virtual community.